The selling price of Flora Mizuki Park Binh Chanh is the first information that customers are search to order Mizuki Park apartments, this is a high-quality real estate product in the most potential development area in the South of Ho Chi Minh City, as we all know Nam Long and Japanese partners Hankyu Realty and Nishi Nippon Railroad as investors. In the content below, Minh Tuan Land will update the latest price of Flora Mizuki Binh Chanh.
About Flora Mizuki Binh Chanh apartment
Mizuki Park Binh Chanh Urban is a project with a scale of up to 26 hectares, including villas, townhouses, apartments and shophouses, in this article Minh Tuan Land will send you the selling price of Flora apartments. Mizuki Park Binh Chanh.
Currently, Nam Long Group and Japanese partners Hankyu Realty and Nishi Nippon Railroad have handed over to customers Mizuki Park phase 1 and successfully opened for sale block Mizuki Park Phase 2
The price of Flora Mizuki Park Binh Chanh
The Price of Flora Mizuki
The selling price of Flora Mizuki Park depends on the view direction, floor, and location of the apartment. Currently, Mizuki Park has opened for sale a total of 10 blocks, of which the Mp1 – Mp2 – Mp 3 – Mp 4 – Mp 5 blocks (Mizuki Park phase 1) have been handed over to customers. Block Mp 6 – Mp 7 – Mp 8 – Mp 9 – Mp 10 is under construction, preparing to sign a sales contract, the selling price of each stage is also different.
Prices of apartments for reference are as follows:
Flora Mizuki price block Mp 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
- Type 2 Beds – 1 Bath: 56m2 – Selling price from 2.3 billion VND
- Type 2 Beds – 2 Baths : 72m2 – 78m2 – Selling price from 2.75 billion VND
- Type 3 Beds – 2 Baths: 86m2 – 100m2 – Selling price from 3.5 billion VND
Flora Mizuki price block Mp 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10
- Type 2 Beds – 1 Baths: 58m2 – Selling price from 2.5 billion VND
- Type 2 Beds – 2 Baths: 71m2 – 78m2 – Selling price from 3.0 to 3.6 billion VND
- Type 3 Beds- 2 Baths: 95m2 – 111m2 – Selling price from 4.5 billion VND
The price of Mizuki Park apartment may change from time to time, so please contact Minh Tuan Land hotline: 0938.322.336 for the best price and support.
Payment method of Flora Mizuki Apartment project
Payment method for Flora Mizuki Park apartment phase 1: Customers will have to pay 97% of the apartment value + the difference to the seller at the notary office and receive the house immediately.
Payment method for Flora Mizuki apartment phase 2:
- Phase 1: First deposit 10% of the apartment value.
- Phase 2: Second deposit 10% of the apartment value.
- Phase 3: After signing the purchase and sale contract, up to 6 months from the 2nd payment, an additional 10% of the remaining amount will be paid.
- Phase 4: Up to 3 months from the 3rd payment, an additional 5% of the remaining amount will be paid.
- Phase 5: Up to 6 months from the 3rd payment, an additional 5% of the remaining amount will be paid.
- Phase 6: Up to 9 months from the 3rd payment, an additional 5% of the remaining amount will be paid.
- Phase 7: Up to 12 months from the 3rd payment, an additional 5% of the remaining amount will be paid.
- Phase 8: When there is a notice of handing over the apartment, pay an additional 45% of the remaining amount.
- Phase 9: Notice of issuance of certificate of apartment ownership to pay 5% of the remaining amount.
In addition, the apartment is also supported by banks such as VCB, OCB, Shinhan Bank, Hongleong Bank, etc. to lend up to 70% of the apartment value within 20 years with an interest rate of only 6.99% per year.
Vietnamese content
Q&A About the Price of Flora Mizuki Park Binh Chanh
Now below are some frequently asked questions about the selling price of Flora Mizuki Park Binh Chanh that Minh Tuan Land often encounters.
What is the selling price of Flora Mizuki Park project?
Prices of apartments for reference are as follows:
+ Type 2 Beds – 1 Bath: 56m² – 58m² – Selling price: 2.3 billion – 2.6 billion VND
+ Type 2 Beds – 2 Baths: 67m² – 71m2 – 78m² – Selling price: 2,750 billion – 3.6 billion VND
+ Type 3 Beds – 2 Baths: 86m² – 95m2 – 111m² – Selling price: 3.3 billion – 3.5 billion – 4.5 billion
The price of the apartment may change over time, so for the most accurate advice on the price, please contact the hotline: 0938.322.336.
Can I buy Flora Mizuki Park apartment from the developer?
At the moment, you can still buy apartments from the original owner’s price with the next block of sale, for details, please contact hotline: 0938.322.336.
Last but not least, Minh Tuan Land accepts to buy, sell, consign, rent apartments, Officetel, Service Trade apartment, Shophouse Mizuki Park apartment project. Customers who need to buy – sell, rent or lease, please contact by Phone or Zalo phone number 0938.322.336
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